* Date and time parsing
* @module datetimejs.parse
import {lower, cycle, zeroPad, h12to24} from './utils';
import {DEFAULT_CONFIG} from './config';
// Array of regexp characters that should be escaped in a format string when
// parsing dates and times.
const REGEXP_CHARS = [
'^', '$',
'[', ']',
'(', ')',
'{', '}',
'+', '*', '?',
* Recipes for parsing the date
* A recipe consists of a regular expression fragment (string) and a parsing
* function. This object maps parse tokens to factory functions that take a
* format configuration object and returns a recipe.
* The recipes are represented by an object with `re` and `fn` keys. The `re`
* key is a string that represents a regular expression fragment that will
* match any valid data for the token. The `fn` function takes the string
* matched by the regular expression fragment, and an object that tracks the
* progress of various values that were parsed. The function should examine the
* string and update the progress object.
* To add a recipe for a new token, or override a recipe for an existing one,
* we simply assign to the corresponding key on the `parse.PARSE_RECIPES`
* object.
* @example
* parse.PARSE_RECIPES['%R'] = function (conf) {
* return {
* re: '....',
* fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
* // do something with `s` and update `parsedValues`
* },
* };
* };
export let PARSE_RECIPES = {
'%b': function (conf) {
let lowerCaseMonths = conf.MNTH.map(lower);
return {
re: conf.MNTH.join('|'),
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.month = lowerCaseMonths.indexOf(s.toLowerCase());
'%B': function (conf) {
let lowerCaseMonths = conf.MONTHS.map(lower);
return {
re: conf.MONTHS.join('|'),
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.month = lowerCaseMonths.indexOf(s.toLowerCase());
'%d': function () {
return {
re: '[0-2][0-9]|3[01]',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.date = parseInt(s, 10);
'%D': function () {
return {
re: '3[01]|[12]?\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.date = parseInt(s, 10);
'%f': function () {
return {
re: '\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
let i = parseInt(s, 10);
let f = parseFloat(s);
parsedValues.second = i;
parsedValues.millisecond = f * 1000 % 1000;
'%H': function () {
return {
re: '[0-1]\\d|2[0-3]',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.hour = parseInt(s, 10);
'%i': function () {
return {
re: '1[0-2]|\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.hour = parseInt(s, 10);
'%I': function () {
return {
re: '0\\d|1[0-2]',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.hour = parseInt(s, 10);
'%m': function () {
return {
re: '0\\d|1[0-2]',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.month = parseInt(s, 10) - 1;
'%M': function () {
return {
re: '[0-5]\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.minute = parseInt(s, 10);
'%n': function () {
return {
re: '1[0-2]|\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.month = parseInt(s, 10) - 1;
'%N': function () {
return {
re: '[1-5]?\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.minute = parseInt(s, 10);
'%p': function (conf) {
return {
re: `${conf.PM.replace(/\./g, '\\.')}|${conf.AM.replace(/\./g, '\\.')}`,
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.isPMin12h = conf.PM.toLowerCase() === s.toLowerCase();
'%s': function () {
return {
re: '[1-5]?\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.second = parseInt(s, 10);
'%S': function () {
return {
re: '[0-5]\\d',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.second = parseInt(s, 10);
'%r': function () {
return {
re: '\\d{1,3}',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.millisecond = parseInt(s, 10);
'%y': function () {
let thisYear = (new Date()).getFullYear();
return {
re: '\\d{2}',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
let c = thisYear.toString().slice(0, 2);
parsedValues.year = parseInt(c + s, 10);
'%Y': function () {
return {
re: '\\d{4}',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
parsedValues.year = parseInt(s, 10);
'%z': function () {
return {
re: '[+-](?1[01]|0\\d)[0-5]\\d|Z',
fn: function (s, parsedValues) {
if (s === 'Z') {
parsedValues.timezone = 0
else {
let mult = s.startsWith('-') ? 1 : -1;
let h = parseInt(s.slice(0, 2), 10);
let m = parseInt(s.slice(2, 2), 10);
parsedValues.timezone = mult * (h * 60) + m;
* Parse a date/time string according to a format string
* The return value is a `Date` object or `null` if the input does not match
* the format string.
* The `Date` object is always in the local time zone, but if time zone offset
* appears in the string, it will be taken into account and the resulting
* object adjusted accordingly.
* The format string is an arbitrary string that contains format sequences
* - `%b` - Short month name (e.g., 'Jan', 'Feb'...).
* - `%B` - Full month name (e.g., 'January', 'February'...).
* - `%d` - Zero-padded date (e.g, 02, 31...).
* - `%D` - Non-zero-padded date (e.g., 2, 31...).
* - `%H` - Zero-padded hour in 24-hour format (e.g., 8, 13, 0...).
* - `%i` - Non-zero-padded hour in 12-hour format (e.g., 8, 1, 12...).
* - `%I` - Zero-padded hour in 12-hour format (e.g., 08, 01, 12...).
* - `%m` - Zero-padded month (e.g., 01, 02...).
* - `%M` - Zero-padded minutes (e.g., 01, 12, 59...).
* - `%n` - Non-zero-padded month (e.g., 1, 2...).
* - `%N` - Non-zero-padded minutes (e.g., 1, 12, 59).
* - `%p` - AM/PM (a.m. and p.m.).
* - `%s` - Non-zero-padded seconds (e.g., 1, 2, 50...).
* - `%S` - Zero-padded seconds (e.g., 01, 02, 50...).
* - `%r` - Milliseconds (e.g., 1, 24, 500...).
* - `%y` - Zero-padded year without the century part (e.g., 01, 13, 99...).
* - `%Y` - Full year (e.g., 2001, 2013, 2099...).
* - `%z` - UTC offset in +HHMM or -HHMM format or 'Z' (e.g., +1000, -0200).
* - `%%` - literal percent character.
* The `%z` token behaves slightly differently when parsing date and time
* strings. In addition to formats that strftime outputs, it also supports
* 'Z', which allows parsing of ISO timestamps.
* @example
* let s1 = '2019 Jan 12 4:55 p.m.';
* let d1 = parse.strptime(s, '%Y %b %D %i:%M %p');
* // => new Date(2019, 0, 12, 16, 55)
* // With customized AM/PM
* let s2 = '18/March/2019 07:22am';
* let d2 = parse.strptime(s, '%d/%B/%Y %I:%M%p', {
* AM: 'am',
* PM: 'pm',
* });
* // => new Date(2019, 2, 18, 7, 22)
* @param {string} s Formatted date/time string
* @param {string} formatString The expected format of the `s` argument
* @param {object} [config=DEFAULT_CONFIG] Format configuration
export function strptime(s, formatString, config = DEFAULT_CONFIG) {
// Build the regexp to match format tokens inside format string
let parseTokens = Object.keys(PARSE_RECIPES).join('|');
let parseTokenRe = new RegExp(`(${parseTokens}|%%)`, 'g');
// Prepare the format string for matching
let rxp = formatString.replace(/\\/, '\\\\');
REGEXP_CHARS.forEach(function (schr) {
rxp = rxp.replace(new RegExp('\\' + schr, 'g'), `\\${schr}`);
// Replace all format tokens inside the format string with the actual regexp
// that matches each token, and build a regexp string.
let converters = [];
rxp = rxp.replace(parseTokenRe, function (_, token) {
if (token === '%%') {
return '%';
// Get the token regexp and parser function
let {re, fn} = PARSE_RECIPES[token](config);
return `(${re})`;
// Convert the regexp string to a `RegeExp` object.
rxp = new RegExp(`^${rxp}$`, 'i');
// Perform the match
let matches = rxp.exec(s);
// We consider the parse failed if nothing matched
if (!matches) {
return null;
// Remove the first item from the matches, since we're not interested in it
// The object used to keep track of the parsing
let parsedValues = {
year: 0,
month: 0,
date: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
millisecond: 0,
isPMin12h: null,
timezone: null,
// Iterate parser functions and apply the function to each match
matches.forEach(function (match, idx) {
let fn = converters[idx];
fn(match, parsedValues);
if (parsedValues.isPMin12h) {
parsedValues.hour = h12to24(parsedValues.hour, parsedValues.isPMin12h);
// Construct the `Date` object using the parsedValues object
let dt = new Date(
if (parsedValues.timezone != null) {
// Determine the relative offset of the original time to local time of
// the platform.
let localOffset = dt.getTimezoneOffset();
// Shift the time by the difference of timezone and local zone
let offset = localOffset - parsedValues.timezone
dt.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() + offset);
return dt;