

Format configuration.


(static, constant) DEFAULT_CONFIG


Default configuration object

This object contains the default (global) configuration for formatting, parsing, and manipulating dates and times.

The updateDefaultConfig() function's documentation has more information about the contents of this object.


(static) updateDefaultConfig(config)


Update the default configuration

This function takes an object with one or more keys from the DEFAULT_CONFIG, and updates the DEFAULT_CONFIG globally. The configuration added using this function applies to this package from the moment this function is invoked.

The keys that can be used in the custom configuration are:

  • MONTHS - array of strings - full month names.
  • MNTH - array of strings - abbreviated month names (usually 3-letter).
  • DAYS - array of strings - names of the week days (starting with Sunday).
  • DY - array of strings - abbreviated names of the week days (usually 3-letter).
  • AM - string - ante-meridiem abbreviation.
  • PM - string - post-meridiem abbreviation.
  • WEEKSTART - number - the starting day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, through to 6 for Saturday).
  • ISO_FORMAT - string - format string for ISO date and time.

Using illegal keys will cause an exception.

This function can be used to globally translate the strings. If you use a language other than English, but only use one language, then setting the options using this function is the best approach. Functions like format.strftime() and parse.strptime() also accept a configuraiton which can be used to override the configuration on per-invocation basis. This is a better approach when you have multiple languages to deal with.

  AM: 'преп.',
  PM: 'послеп.',
Name Type Description
config object

Object with configuration keys that override the defaults